As men age, there are many different complications that can step in the way of them and their sexual performance. Enlarged prostate, prostate cancer, after-effects of surgery, drug side effects, and other conditions such as diabetes can end up leaving them with a loss of function, which can lead to other problems, including depression and feelings of inadequacy.
The doctors at Millennium Wellness understand just how difficult it can be to live with erectile dysfunction. Thankfully, there are solutions available that can help to restore your sexual performance and drive. With a PRP Shot for Erectile Dysfunctionat our medical clinic in Chevy Chase, Rockville, Silver Spring, MD & Washington, DC area, you can find yourself overcoming many of the physical obstacles that have kept you from maintaining a healthy and fulfilling sex life with your partner.
How a PRP Shot for Erectile Dysfunction Works
Based on platelet-rich plasma therapy—and named for the Greek deity of sexual health—the PRP shot is an experimental treatment used to help in the recovery of muscle and joint injuries. It is designed to increase blood flow in your body, repair responses in some tissue of cells, and establish new neural pathways. With this treatment, you are able to start on the path toward recovery and regain the functionality you might have thought once lost. Contact our men's health center for more information about this revolutionary new treatment.
PRP Shot for Erectile Dysfunction Brochure
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